
How To Draw A Hessian Soldier

German soldiers contracted by the British in the American Revolutionary War

Hessian jager.jpg

Two Hessian soldiers of the Leibregiment

  • Hesse-Cassel
  • Hesse-Hanau
Part of Attached only not incorporated into the British Ground forces

American Revolutionary War

  • Boxing of Long Island
  • • Landing at Kip's Bay
  • • Boxing of Edgar's Lane
  • Battle of White Plains
  • Boxing of Fort Washington
  • • Battle of Fort Lee
  • • Battle of Iron Works Hill
  • Battle of Trenton
  • • Forage War
  • • Boxing of Bound Beck
  • • Boxing of Short Hills
  • Siege of Fort Ticonderoga
  • Battle of Hubbardton
  • • Siege of Fort Stanwix
  • Battle of Bennington
  • • Battle of Staten Isle
  • • Battle of Cooch'south Bridge
  • Battle of Brandywine
  • • Battle of the Clouds
  • Battles of Saratoga
  • Battle of Germantown
  • • Battle of Ruby Banking company
  • • Boxing of Gloucester
  • • Boxing of White Marsh
  • • Battle of Barren Loma
  • Battle of Monmouth
  • Smashing Siege of Gibraltar
  • • Capture of Fort Bute
  • • Battle of Baton Rouge
  • Siege of Charleston
  • • Battle of Connecticut Farms
  • Boxing of Springfield
  • • Battle of Mobile
  • Siege of Pensacola
  • • Boxing of Spencer'south Ordinary
  • • Boxing of Light-green Leap
  • • Battle of Groton Heights
  • Siege of Yorktown
  • • Battle of Johnstown
  • • Raid on Lunenburg
  • Wilhelm von Knyphausen
  • Johann Rall

Military machine unit

Hessians ( or )[1] were German soldiers who served equally auxiliaries to the British Army during the American Revolutionary War.[ii] The term is an American synecdoche for all Germans who fought on the British side, since 65% came from the German states of Hesse-Kassel and Hesse-Hanau. Known for their field of study and martial prowess, effectually 30,000 Germans fought for the British during war, comprising a quarter of British country forces.[iii]

While regarded, both contemporaneously and historiographically, as mercenaries,[iv] Hessians were legally distinguished equally auxiliaries: whereas mercenaries served a foreign government on their own accord, auxiliaries were soldiers hired out to a foreign party by their own government, to which they remained in service.[two] Auxiliaries were a major source of income for many small and relatively poor German states, typically serving in wars in which their governments were neutral. Like about auxiliaries of this period, Hessians served with foreign armies equally entire units, fighting under their own flags, commanded by their usual officers, and wearing their existing uniforms.

Hessians played a central part in the Revolutionary War, particularly in the northern theater.[5] They served with stardom in many battles, almost notably at White Plains and Fort Washington.[five] The added manpower and skill of German troops greatly sustained the British war effort, though it also outraged colonists and increased support for the Revolutionary cause.[5] The use of "large armies of foreign mercenaries" was one of the 27 colonial grievances against King George III in the United States Proclamation of Independence, while the Patriots used the deployment of Hessians to support their claims of British violations of the colonists' rights.[6]

Origin and history [edit]

The use of foreign soldiers was not unusual in 18th-century Europe. In the 2 centuries leading upwardly to the American Revolution, the continent was characterized by constant warfare, and war machine manpower was in high demand.[7] Germany was not yet a unified nation, but a collection of several hundred states loosely organized under the Holy Roman Empire. Conflict between and among these nations led to the creation of professional armies, which were consequently experienced and well trained. Many German language societies became militarized, with well-nigh men undergoing annual grooming from adolescence well into adulthood, oft serving for life or until they were as well sometime.[8] German states varied considerably in size and wealth, and several came to rely on their troops as an economic resource, especially since sustaining a standing army was plush.

When military conflict broke out, as it oft did in Europe, German states provided a ready supply of trained troops prepared to go into activeness immediately. Hesse-Kassel soon emerged every bit the most prominent source of soldiers. To field a large professional regular army with a relatively pocket-sized population, it became the virtually militarized country in Europe: 5.2 to six.7% of its population was under arms in the 18th century—with one in four households having someone serving in the army—a larger proportion than fifty-fifty heavily-militarized Prussia.[nine] [10] Whereas Prussia relied partly on mercenaries from other German states, Hesse-Kassel employed only Landeskinder, native men.[eleven] The military was the dominant force in the country. All Hessian males were registered for armed services service at the age of vii, and from the age of xvi until xxx, had to annually present themselves to an official for possible recruitment. Just those whose occupation was considered vital to the country could be exempt. Those deemed "expendable", such as vagrants and the unemployed, could be conscripted at whatsoever fourth dimension.

Hessian military service was notably strict and demanding, emphasizing iron subject area through draconian punishment. However, morale was mostly high, and soldiers were said to take pride in their service. Officers were normally well-educated, and in contrast to about European armies, promoted on the basis of merit. Soldiers were paid relatively loftier wages, and their families were exempt from certain taxes. Although plunder was officially forbidden, it remained common exercise (as in nearly armed forces forces at the time), offer another incentive for service.[seven] Overall, Hessian troops were considered superb fighters, fifty-fifty past their opponents.[7]

The Hessian war machine became a major source of economic strength. Hesse-Kassel manufactured its own weapons and uniforms, and its material industry was so prosperous from supplying the military that workers could afford to purchase meat and wine every twenty-four hour period. The revenue from renting the army to the British equaled roughly 13 years' worth of taxes,[7] allowing the Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel, Friedrich II, to reduce taxes by 1-third between the 1760s and 1784.[10] [12] A self-styled enlightened despot, he as well oversaw public-works projects, administered a public welfare system, and encouraged instruction.[vii] American historian Edward Jackson Lowell lauded Friedrich Two for spending British money wisely, describing him as "ane of the least disreputable of the princes who sent mercenaries to America".[thirteen]

Well before the American Revolutionary War, Hessian soldiers were familiar in battlefields across 18th-century Europe.

Between 1706 and 1707, 10,000 Hessians served as a corps in Eugene of Savoy'southward ground forces in Italia before moving to the Spanish Netherlands in 1708. In 1714, 6,000 Hessians were rented to Sweden for its war with Russia whilst 12,000 Hessians were hired by George I of Great Britain in 1715 to gainsay the Jacobite Rebellion. ... In the midst of the War of the Austrian Succession in 1744, vi,000 Hessians were fighting with the British army in Flemish region, whilst another 6,000 were in the Bavarian regular army. By 1762, 24,000 Hessians were serving with Ferdinand of Brunswick'south ground forces in Deutschland.

John Childs, Rethinking Leviathan [14]

In most of these wars, Hesse-Kassel was never formally a belligerent. While its troops remained members of the Hessian military, and fifty-fifty fought in their national compatible, they were hired out for service in other armies, without their regime having any stake in the conflict. Thus, Hessians could serve on opposing sides of the same disharmonize. In the War of the Austrian Succession, both U.k. and Bavaria employed Hessian soldiers against one another; in the Seven Years' War, the forces of Hesse-Kassel served with both the Anglo-Hanoverian and the Prussian armies against the French; although Hesse-Kassel was technically allied to Britain and Prussia, her troops were actually leased by the British.[15]

However, the practice of lending out auxiliaries did sometimes outcome in directly consequences. In July 1758, during the course of the Seven Years' War, most of Hesse-Kassel, including its capital, was occupied by a French regular army under Charles de Rohan, Prince of Soubise, which easily overcame the abode defence force of vi,000 Hessian militiamen. Soubise ordered his troops to live off the land, take loftier-ranking hostages, and extort payments of cash and produce, with the intention of forcing Hessian troops to withdraw from the war. Hessian and allied forces attempted to liberate their homeland, but were repulsed at the Battle of Sandershausen on 23 July. Following two sieges of Cassel, in 1761 and 1762, the capital was retaken, which constituted the last war machine activity of the war.[16]

"Mercenaries" versus "auxiliaries" [edit]

The characterization of Hessian troops as "mercenaries" remains controversial over 2 centuries afterward. American history textbooks refer to them as "mercenaries", and they are still widely perceived as such in the popular imagination of the Usa.[17] American historian Charles Ingrao describes Hesse as a "mercenary land" whose prince rented out his regiments to fund his governmental expenditures.[eighteen] By contrast, British historian Stephen Conway referred to them every bit "auxiliaries".[19] Canadian armed forces historian Rodney Atwood notes that, contrary to some Revolutionary propaganda and perceptions, Hessians would non have been considered mercenaries at the time, merely rather auxiliaries; whereas mercenaries served a strange ruler in an individual capacity, auxiliaries served their ain ruler, on whose behalf they were sent to aid another ruler.[2]

Hessians would not be categorized as mercenaries under modern international police. Protocol I (1977) to the Geneva Convention defines a mercenary as "any person who ... has not been sent past a State which is not a Political party to the disharmonize on official duty as a member of its armed services."[20] Hessian troops served in America on official duty from the military machine of Hesse-Cassel and Hesse-Hanau. Protocol I besides requires a mercenary to be "promised, past or on behalf of a Party to the conflict, material bounty essentially in excess of that promised or paid to combatants of similar ranks and functions in the military of that Party."[20] While not formally incorporated into the British armed forces, Hessian troops were paid the same wages as British soldiers.[21]

Service during the American Revolution [edit]

Nifty Uk maintained a relatively small continuing army, so it found itself in slap-up need of troops at the get-go of the American Revolutionary State of war. Several German princes saw an opportunity to earn actress income by hiring out their regular army units for service in America. Their troops entered the British service not equally individuals, but in entire units, with their usual uniforms, flags, equipment, and officers. Methods of recruitment varied according to the state of origin. The contingent from Waldeck was fatigued from an army based on universal conscription, from which simply students were exempt.[22] Other German princes relied on long-service voluntary enlistment supplemented by conscription when numbers fell brusk.[23] Many princes were closely related to the British House of Hanover and were comfortable placing their troops under British command.

A total of 29,875 German troops fought alongside British troops in the Revolutionary State of war, of which 16,992 came from Hesse-Kassel and 2,422 from Hesse-Hanau. Other contingents came from Brunswick (four,300), Ansbach-Bayreuth (2,353), Anhalt-Zerbst (1,119), and Waldeck (1,225).[24] As the bulk of the German troops came from Hesse, Americans employ the term "Hessians" to refer to all German troops fighting on the British side.[17]

Deployment [edit]

Hessian troops included Jägers, hussars, 3 artillery companies, and four battalions of grenadiers. Most infantrymen were chasseurs (sharpshooters), musketeers, and fusiliers. Line infantry was armed with muskets, while the Hessian artillery used the three-pound cannon. The elite Jäger battalions used the Büchse, a brusque, large-caliber rifle well-suited to woodland combat. Initially, the typical regiment was fabricated up of 500 to 600 men. After in the war, due to death in boxing, expiry by illness, and general desertion to settle in the Colonies, the regiments may have been reduced to only around 300 to 400 men.

The beginning Hessian troops to get in in North America landed at Staten Island, New York on Baronial fifteen, 1776. Their beginning appointment was less than two weeks after, in the Battle of Long Isle, the first major battle in the state of war. Hessians proved decisive to the British victory, and later fought in about every battle that year.

Past 1777, the British used them mainly every bit garrison and patrol troops. Hessians fought at the Battle of Bennington, the turning point of the Saratoga campaign. Around 1,000 Hessians were defeated, killed, and captured by a raw, untrained militia force from Vermont, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts. General John Burgoyne lost 1,000 of his 8,000 soldiers at Bennington, and the loss of and then many Hessians doomed his army afterwards. An array of Hessians fought in the battles and campaigns in the southern states during 1778–1780 (including Guilford Court House), and two regiments fought at the Siege of Yorktown in 1781. Hessians also served in Nova Scotia for five years (1778–1783), where they protected the colony from American privateers, such as during the 1782 Raid on Lunenburg. They were led by Baron Oberst Franz Carl Erdmann von Seitz, who is commemorated in a church in Halifax.[25]

Withal their reputation equally skilled and disciplined fighters, many British soldiers shared the American distrust of Hessians, who often spoke trivial or no English and were perceived equally crude and barbaric.

The clergyman then recounts the instance of a Jaeger subaltern who was assailed "past an Englishman in his cups" with the proclamation: "God damn you, Frenchy, you take our pay!" The outraged Hessian replied: "I am a German and you are a shit." This was followed by an impromptu duel with hangers, in which the Englishman received a fatal wound. The chaplain records that Full general Howe pardoned the Jaeger officeholder and issued an order that "the English language should treat the Germans equally brothers." This order began to have influence but when "our Germans, teachable as they are" had learned to "falter a lilliputian English." Apparently, this was a prerequisite for the English to show them any affection.[26]

Hessians, for their function, spoke out against executions of captured prisoners of state of war after the Battle of Long Isle, especially since many were of German descent; one Hessian is quoted as saying, "many among them were Germans, and that cutting me doubly to the heart". I American adult female spoke to the Hessians of her reappraisal of them after the battle, as they refused to take part in any plundering: "she saw very plainly in that location was no truth in what people had told her of the Hessians, namely that they were cruel".[27]

American attitudes [edit]

Americans, both Revolutionaries and Loyalists, oft feared the Hessians, assertive them to be rapacious and cruel mercenaries. The American Declaration of Independence, written roughly a year after hostilities bankrupt out, condemned Rex George III of "transporting large Armies of foreign Mercenaries to [consummate] the works of death, desolation and tyranny, already begun with circumstances of Cruelty & perfidy scarcely paralleled in the nigh savage ages, and totally unworthy the Caput of a civilized nation." Throughout the war, reports of plundering by Hessians were said to take galvanized neutral colonists to join the Revolutionary side.[ citation needed ]

Full general Washington's Continental Army had crossed the Delaware River to make a surprise attack on the Hessians in the early morning of December 26, 1776. In the Battle of Trenton, the Hessian forcefulness of i,400 was quickly overwhelmed by the Continentals, with only about 20 killed and 100 wounded, but one,000 captured.[28]

The Hessians captured in the Battle of Trenton were paraded through the streets of Philadelphia to raise American morale; anger at their presence helped the Continental Army recruit new soldiers.[29] Most of the prisoners were sent to work as farmhands.[30]

By early on 1778, negotiations for the commutation of prisoners betwixt Washington and the British had begun in earnest.[31] These included Nicholas Bahner(t), Jacob Trobe, George Geisler, and Conrad Grein (Konrad Krain),[32] who were a few of the Hessian soldiers who deserted the British forces afterwards being returned in substitution for American prisoners of war.[33] These men were both hunted by the British for being deserters and by many of the colonists as a foreign enemy.

Throughout the war, Americans tried to entice Hessians to desert the British, emphasizing the large and prosperous German-American community. The U.S. Congress authorized the offering of land of up to 50 acres (roughly xx hectares) to individual Hessian soldiers who switched sides.[34] British soldiers were offered 50 to 800 acres, depending on rank.[35]

Hessian soldiers captured during the Boxing at Trenton taken to Philadelphia

Many Hessian prisoners were held in camps at the interior city of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, habitation to a large German language community known every bit the Pennsylvania Dutch. German prisoners were afterward treated well, with some volunteering for actress piece of work assignments, helping to replace local men serving in the Continental Army. After the war, many POWs never returned to Deutschland and instead accustomed American offers of religious freedom and free country, becoming permanent settlers – one of which was the 5th great grandfather of American actor Rob Lowe. By contrast, British prisoners were also held in Lancaster, simply these men did not respond favorably to good treatment and often tried to escape.[36]

After the war concluded in 1783, some 17,313 High german soldiers returned to their homelands. Of the 12,526 who did not render, nigh 7,700 had died; some 1,200 were killed in activeness, and 6,354 died from illnesses or accidents, mostly the former.[37] About 5,000 German troops, most of whom had been press-ganged or conscripted in their countries of origin, opted to settle in either the United States or Canada.

Commanding officers [edit]

  • Wilhelm von Knyphausen
  • Oberst Franz Carl Erdmann Freiherr (Baron) von Seitz – led the regiment in the Boxing of Fort Washington[38]
  • Oberst Johann Rall, commanding officer of the Hessian forces at the Battle of Trenton
  • Lieutenant Full general Friedrich Wilhelm von Lossberg, as Colonel led the von Lossberg Regiment (Alt) at the [Battle of White Plains] and [Fort Washington]. He served in [Newport] from 1776 until 1779 and played a decisive function at the [Battle of Rhode Isle]. In May 1782 upon the difference of Lieutenant General Knyphausen, Lossberg replaced him as the commander of the Hessian troops in North America.

Units [edit]

  • Hesse-Cassel Jäger Corps (Hessisches Jägercorps zu Pferd und zu Fuß)
  • Fusilier Regiment von Ditfurth (Füsilier-Regiment "von Ditfurth")
  • Fusilier Regiment Erbprinz, later (1780) Musketeer Regiment Erbprinz (Füsilier-Regiment "Erbprinz"; Infanterie-Regiment "Erbprinz")
  • Fusilier Regiment von Knyphausen (Füsilier-Regiment "von Knyphausen")
  • Fusilier Regiment von Lossberg (Füsilier-Regiment "von Lossberg")
  • Grenadier Regiment von Rall, afterward (1777) von Woellwarth; (1779) von Trümbach; (1781) d'Angelelli (Grenadier-Regiment "von Rall"; "von Woellwarth"; "von Trümbach"; "d'Angelelli")
  • Hesse-Hanau Free Corps
  • Hesse-Hanau Jägers
  • Hesse-Hanau Regiment Erbprinz
  • Merged grenadier battalions (from grenadier companies of several fusilier and musketeer regiments):
    • 1st Battalion Grenadiers von Linsing
    • 2nd Battalion Grenadiers von Block (later von Lengerke)
    • 3rd Battalion Grenadiers von Minnigerode (later von Löwenstein)
    • 4th Battalion Grenadiers von Köhler (later von Graf; von Platte)
  • Garrison Regiment von Bünau (Garrisons-Regiment)
  • Garrison Regiment von Huyn (later von Benning)
  • Garrison Regiment von Stein (later von Seitz; von Porbeck)
  • Garrison Regiment von Wissenbach (later von Knoblauch)
  • Leib Infantry Regiment (Leib-Infanterie-Regiment)
  • Musketeer Regiment von Donop
  • Musketeer Regiment von Trümbach (subsequently von Bose (1779))
  • Musketeer Regiment von Mirbach (later Jung von Lossberg (1780))
  • Musketeer Regiment Prinz Carl
  • Musketeer Regiment von Wutgenau (later Landgraf (1777))
  • Commencement Light Infantry Battalion;
  • Second Light Infantry Battalion;
  • Commencement Germination Infantry Battalion;
  • 2d Infantry Battalion;
  • Tertiary Formation Infantry Battalion;
  • Fourth Formation Infantry Battalion;
  • Fifth Formation Infantry Battalion;
  • Sixth Formation Infantry Battalion;
  • Seventh Germination Infantry Battalion;
  • 8th Germination Infantry Battalion;
  • First Dragoon Cavalry Regiment (1804–1812, red jacket); change to the Start Light Dragoon Cavalry Regiment (1812–1816, blue jacket)
  • 2d Dragoon Cavalry Regiment (1805–1812, red jacket); change to the 2d Low-cal Dragoon Cavalry Regiment (1812–1816, bluish jacket)
  • Starting time Hussar Regiment;
  • Second Hussar Regiment;
  • Third Hussar Regiment;
Artillery and engineers
  • Hesse-Cassel Artillery corps (Artillerie-Korps)
  • Hesse-Hanau Artillery
  • King of England and German language engineers

In popular civilization [edit]

  • The Hessian fly, a significant pest of cereal crops, was named after its supposed arrival in North America in Hessian soldiers' straw bedding.
  • Washington Irving'south story "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" (1820) includes a celebrated figure known as the "Headless Horseman" who is "the ghost of a Hessian trooper, whose head had been carried away by a cannon-ball, in some nameless battle during the Revolutionary War." He has been portrayed in many dramatic adaptations of the story.
  • D. W. Griffith co-wrote and directed the brusque film, The Hessian Renegades (1909), about the early stages of the American Revolution.
  • In the Merrie Melodies short Bunker Hill Bunny (1950), ready during the Revolutionary War, Bugs Bunny faces off against Hessian soldier Sam von Schamm.
  • The final episode of the cartoon series The Super 6 (1967) features Capt. Zammo in "The Hessians Are Coming" where, subsequently a parody of Paul Revere'due south midnight ride, Captain Zammo and Private Hammo are dispatched to cipher dorsum in time to 1776 and report to General George Washington to foil the malicious machinations of the marauding invaders.
  • The 1972 novel The Hessian, past Howard Fast, concerns a young Hessian drummer who is executed in reprisal for the mistaken hanging of an autistic villager by his officer.
  • In the television serial Turn: Washington'south Spies, Hessians are depicted in season one every bit participating in the Battle of Trenton and meet Abraham Woodhull in New York.
  • The PBS cartoon series, Liberty's Kids, featured Hessians as members of the British Army in several episodes, with the episode, "The Hessians are Coming" ending with several Hessian troops deserting to the American side.

References [edit]

  1. ^ Jones, Daniel (2011). Roach, Peter; Setter, Jane; Esling, John (eds.). "hessian". Cambridge English language Pronouncing Dictionary (18th ed.). Cambridge University Press. ISBN978-0-521-15255-6.
  2. ^ a b c Atwood, Rodney (1980). The Hessians: Mercenaries from Hessen-Kassel in the American Revolution. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
  3. ^ Alan Axelrod (9 Jan 2014). Mercenaries: A Guide to Individual Armies and Individual Military Companies. SAGE Publications. p. 66. ISBN978-1-4833-4030-2.
  4. ^ Atwood, p. 1.
  5. ^ a b c "Hessians". American Battlefield Trust. 2017-01-25. Retrieved 2020-06-24 .
  6. ^ Benjamin Franklin, "The Sale of the Hessians," (1777).
  7. ^ a b c d east "Hessians". George Washington's Mount Vernon . Retrieved 2020-06-24 .
  8. ^ Charles Ingrao, The Hessian Mercenary State, (Cambridge: Cambridge Academy Press, 2003), p. 2.
  9. ^ Black, Jeremy (1994). European Warfare, 1660–1815. London: Routledge. ISBN978-1-13536955-two. Whereas in the mid-18th century, Austria and Russian federation had between one.ane and 1.5% of their population in the regular army, the percentage for Prussia for iv.2. ... In 1730, a yr of peace but also of war preparations, Hesse-Cassel had 1 in nineteen of the population under arms.
  10. ^ a b Showalter, Dennis (five September 2007). "Hessians: The Best Armies Money Could Buy". HistoryNet . Retrieved 28 May 2018.
  11. ^ Mollo, John (1975). Uniforms of the American Revolution . p. 26. ISBN0-02-585580-8.
  12. ^ Showalter, Dennis; Astore, William J. (2007). The Early on Modernistic World. Soldiers' Lives Through History. Vol. three (ane ed.). Westport, Connecticut: Greenwood Press. ISBN978-0-313-33312-five.
  13. ^ Lowell, Edward J. (1884). The Hessians and the Other German Auxiliaries of Cracking Britain in the Revolutionary War. New York: Harper.
  14. ^ Brewer, John; Hellmuth, Eckhart, eds. (1999). Rethinking Leviathan: The Eighteenth-Century State in Britain and Germany (1st ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN9780199201891.
  15. ^ Reid, Stuart (2010). Frederick the Bully'south Allies 1756–63. Osprey Publishing. p. v. ISBN978-1849081771. Next in importance came the armies of Hesse-Kassel (not to be confused with Hesse-Darmstadt) and Brunswick, which were not centrolineal contingents in a political sense, merely were directly leased by the British government.
  16. ^ Szabo, Franz A.J. (5 November 2013). The 7 Years State of war in Europe: 1756–1763. Pearson Educational activity Limited. p. 180. ISBN978-0582292727.
  17. ^ a b Kennedy, David M. (2012). The American Pageant. Cengage Learning. p. 147. Because virtually of these soldiers-for-rent came from the Germany principality of Hesse, the Americans called all the European mercenaries Hessians.
  18. ^ Charles Due west. Ingrao, The Hessian mercenary state: ideas, institutions, and reform nether Frederick 2, 1760–1785 (Cambridge University Press, 2003)
  19. ^ Conway, Stephen (2017). Britannia's Auxiliaries: Continental Europeans and the British Empire, 1740–1800. Oxford University Printing. ISBN9780192536136.
  20. ^ a b "Protocols Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949" (PDF).
  21. ^ Taylor, Peter Keir (1994). Indentured to Freedom: Peasant Life and the Hessian Armed forces State, 1688-1815. Cornell University Press. p. 22. ISBN9780801429163. The British also undertook to pay each Hessian soldier at British rates of pay.
  22. ^ Mollo, John (1975). Uniforms of the American Revolution . p. 27. ISBN0-02-585580-8.
  23. ^ Mollo, John (1975). Uniforms of the American Revolution . p. 28. ISBN0-02-585580-viii.
  24. ^ Mollo, John (1975). Uniforms of the American Revolution . pp. 24–27. ISBN0-02-585580-eight.
  25. ^ "Col Franz Carl Seitz (1719–1782) – Find A Grave Memorial". world wide . Retrieved 2016-09-sixteen .
  26. ^ Schwamenfeld 2007, p. 123
  27. ^ Steven Schwamenfeld. "The Foundation of British Strength: National Identity and the Common British Soldier." Ph.D. diss., Florida State University 2007, p. 123-124
  28. ^ "Battle of Trenton", British, accessed thirteen February 2010
  29. ^ Johannes Schwalm the Hessian, p. 21
  30. ^ Rodney Atwood (2002). The Hessians. Cambridge University Press. p. 199. ISBN9780521526371.
  31. ^ Herbert M. Bahner and Mark A. Schwalm, "Johann Nicholas Bahner – From Reichenbach, Hessen To Pillow, Pennsylvania", Journal of the Johannes Schwalm Historical Association, Inc. Vol. 3, No. 3, 1987
  32. ^ "Konrad Krain".
  33. ^ [Journal of Johannes Schwalm Historical Assoc., Inc Vol. 3, No. ane, p. 2]
  34. ^ "LIBERTY! . The Hessians | PBS". world wide . Retrieved 2020-06-24 .
  35. ^ R. Douglas Hurt (2002) American Agriculture: A Brief History, p. 80
  36. ^ Ken Miller, Unsafe Guests: Enemy Captives and Revolutionary Communities during the War for Independence (Cornell Univ. Press, 2014) online review
  37. ^ "Revolutionary War – The Hessian involvement". MadMikesAmerica. four July 2011. Retrieved 2012-ten-29 .
  38. ^ Colonel of the Hesse Cassel Garrison Regiment Von Seitz – see Hessian (soldiers). The Baron fought in the American Revolution, peculiarly on 16 November 1776, he captured Fort Washington; 1776–1778, Garrisoned New York; 1778–1783, Garrisoned Halifax. Run into "The Hessians of Nova Scotia" by John H Merz and Winthrop P. Bell entitled, "A Hessian conscript'southward account of life in garrison at Halifax at the time of the American Revolution". Collections of the Nova Scotia Historical Society, Volume 27, 1947

Further reading [edit]

  • Atwood, Rodney. The Hessians: Mercenaries from Hessen-Kassel in the American Revolution (Cambridge University Press, 1980), the standard scholarly history
  • Crytzer, Brady J. Hessians: Mercenaries, Rebels, and the War for British Northward America (2015). excerpt
  • Faust, Albert B. (1909). The German Element in the United states of america. Vol. I. Boston: Houghton & Mifflin. pp. 349–356.
  • Fetter, Frank Whitson. "Who Were the Foreign Mercenaries of the Declaration of Independence?" Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, vol. 104, no. iv, 1980, pp. 508–513. online
  • Fischer, David Hackett (2004). Washington'due south Crossing . Oxford academy Printing. p. 517.
  • Ingrao, Charles. "'Vicious Strangers': Hessian State and Society during the American Revolution", American Historical Review (1982) 87#4 pp. 954–976 in JSTOR
  • Ingrao, Charles Due west. The Hessian mercenary land: ideas, institutions, and reform nether Frederick 2, 1760–1785 (Cambridge University Press, 2003)
  • Krebs, Daniel. "Useful Enemies: The Treatment of German Prisoners of War during the American State of war of Independence," Periodical of Armed services History (2013), 77#i pp 9–39.
  • Lowell, Edward J. (1884). The Hessians. New York: Harper & Brothers.
  • Mauch, Christof. ""Images of America—Political Myths-- Historiography: 'Hessians' in the War of Independence", Amerikastudien (2003) 48#iii pp 411–423
  • Mellick, Jr., Andrew D. (1889). "Affiliate XXV: The Hessians in New Jersey". The Story of an Old Farm. Somerville, New Jersey: The Unionist-Gazette. pp. 352–370. ISBN9780722202470.
  • Miller, Ken, Dangerous Guests: Enemy Captives and Revolutionary Communities during the War for Independence (Cornell Univ. Press, 2014) online review
  • Neimeyer, Charles Patrick. America Goes to War: A Social History of the Continental Regular army (1995) complete text online
  • Rogers, Alec D. "The Hessians: Journal Of The Johannes Schwalm Historical Clan" Journal of the American Revolution (2018) Online

Principal sources [edit]

  • Winthrop P. Bell, ed. "A Hessian induct's business relationship of life in garrison at Halifax at the fourth dimension of the American Revolution". Collections of the Nova Scotia Historical Society, Volume 27, 1947
  • Johann Conrad Döhla. A Hessian Diary of the American Revolution (1993)
  • Ewald, Johann (1979). Tustin, Joseph P. (ed.). Diary of the American War: a Hessian Journal. Yale Academy Press.
  • Valentine C. Hubbs, ed. Hessian journals: unpublished documents of the American Revolution (Camden Firm, 1981), translation of the Von Jungkenn manuscripts.
  • Huth, Hans, Carl Emil Curt von Donop, and C. V. Easum. "Letters from a Hessian mercenary." Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography 62.4 (1938): 488-501. online

External links [edit]

  • American – The Hessians
  • Johannes Schwalm Historical Association website
  • Historical Projection: Letters by a Hessian Officer, Marburg University
  • Diary and messages roofing the role of Hessian troops in America


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