First appearance: 3D Written Minecraft Pumpkin Figure (Successful in Fusion 360)

It is my first project to make Minecraft things. With the Cucurbita pepo challenge, I combine Minecraft figure with pumpkin. Moreover, it is very play to make it in Fusion 360. Fusion 360 is a regent CAD software so far for me.

You can download for free, just visit my website. (you can prefer Cults3d, Thingiverse)

Step 1: Pixel Art

Make a pixel art of your pumpkin face. You can ready information technology in 2 ways. First, you can make IT in Google Piece of paper. For much instruction, pawl Google Pel Art tutorial.

If you are lazy to work it by yourself, I share my drawing and you can download mine.

Step 2: Insert Image to Coalition 360

To make this pumpkin, I want to make 3D model number one. To accomplish that, I use Nuclear fusion reaction 360. Using Merger 360, IT is easier to function than Tinkercad because it is more on the nose. To begin with, surface Fusion 360 software system and do not bury to save your file. Cut-in your image by clicking "Insert Canvas" and past click ok.

Step 3: Sketching

Start sketching your image by clicking "Create Sketch". Choose stemma and trace the subscriber line one by one as shown in the visualise. After you finish, sink in finish sketch.

Stair 4: Extruding the Face

Obscure the canvas image, soh you can look your chalk out distinctly. Because you want to make a Minecraft, so the surface skin is not flat. To do this, you moldiness extrude the power system singly aside clicking extrude and choose the grid that you want to elevate. IT is up to you to choose the grid as you like or you can do arsenic I did below. Sensible remember to keep eyes and mouth into holes. Choose the mental process "New Body" and click ok.

Step 5: Extruding the Other Sides of the Steer

Move the face to the other side. Now you can use your early sketch to make other sides for the head. You should need 5 sides for this. To make IT simpler, I used the corresponding style for quaternion sides. Reprise previous step. Only change the mode of the surface skin. You can pull through every bit you desire. For the bottom of the head, I only use flat control surface.

Step 6: Wall Inside the Head

Make walls attached to to each one side of head. To make this, make a sketch of rectangle and extrude it. When extruding, you volition need atomic number 3 thin as you can for the wall.

Step 7: Body and Legs

Adjacent step, you leave add body and legs to the pumpkin figure. Make sketch and squeeze out it. Add some grids to make different skin to the figure.

Ill-use 8: Finish Modeling

Hera is the finish modeling. To make it prettier, render it in Coalition 360.

Step 9: Printing

Save your model to STL file cabinet. You rump print all instantly, but you need some backing when printing process. I am not comfy functioning with sustain. It is very annoying and sometimes made our impression distorted. To overcome this, I prefer to black and white it one by one and piece them later. For printing, I used 0.2 mm of layer height, no backup, with raft and 20% infill. Unconditioned printing hour is near 4 hours to impress all of it.

Step 10: Assemble

Remove unwanted prints in your printing process. Assemble all parts by using super glue.

Step out 11: Put LEDs

Add whatever LEDs by victimisation the glow circuit that is provided in Tinkercad. I successful some changes to the glowing circuit, so it is slimmer than the underived one. Input the strike cell batteries and LED to the glow circuit. Just call up, cut a bitty routine the LED length, merely keep the positive side longer than negative one. Put the glow circuit inside the head of the pumpkin figure. Moated it by victimisation painter's tape. I used 3 LEDs for this project. I go with the eyes and oral cavity.

Step 12: Outcome

Here is my final result of the Minecraft pumpkin project. By using painter's tape measure Oregon double tape, you can set this figure anywhere you like, such as TV monitor, Laptop, table, or other put off you trust. Thank you for reading material my instructables. I hope you like information technology.

For more project idea, visit 3D Impression Center.

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